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In Voyager endpoints are classes that are decorated with a [VoyagerEndpoint("/path")] attribute.

public class WeatherForecastEndpoint
public WeatherForecast Get(WeatherForecastRequest request)
// ...

Add Get, Post, Put, etc methods to handle those http methods.

If your endpoint uses request data (from body, query string, etc) you should add an argument named req or request to your method. If you don't need any request data you can skip this parameter. All other function arguments will be injected.

Static Methods

Methods can be static as well.

public static WeatherForecast Get(WeatherForecastRequest request)
// ...


The handler methods can be sync or async, just return a Task or ValueTask if you want to run asynchronously. You can inject a cancellation token if desired.

public async Task<WeatherForecast> Get(WeatherForecastRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// ...

Typed Result

If your method just returns your response object it will be sent back to the client with a 200 status code. If you want to control response codes you can instead return an IResult and use the TypedResults helpers. Voyager will still determine all your response types for the OpenApi specification.

public class WeatherForecastEndpoint
public IResult Get(WeatherForecastRequest request)
var city = FindCity(request.City);
if(city is null)
return TypedResults.NotFound();

return TypedResults.Ok(new WeatherForecastResponse());

Requests and Responses

Requests and responses are just plain c# objects.

public record WeatherForecastRequest([FromRoute]string City, [FromQuery]int Days = 5);

public record WeatherForecastResponse(string City, DateOnly Date, int TemperatureC, string? Summary)
public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);

Model Binding

Voyager assumes that all properties in the request object come from the request body.

You can use the [FromForm], [FromRoute], [FromQuery], [FromHeader], [FromCookie], and [FromBody] attributes to control where to bind values from. You can customize the name from the binding source by passing a string to the attribute.

class MyRequest
// Comes from the request body
public int Count { get; set; }

// Would match the path /endpoint/{city}
public string City { get; set; }

// Would match the query string ?d=2
public int Days { get; set; }
// or using a record
record MyRequest(int Count, [FromRoute]string City, [FromQuery("d")]int Days);